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News from 2006

December 2006

University of Colorado at Boulder's Coloradan

Giant Umbrella Boldy Assists Search for Habitable Planets

4 December 2006

Space News

Northrop Grumman Concept Uses Shade to Find New Planets

26 July 2006

Intervew with Dr. Webster Cash

“It’s just the excitement of the quest to not only find a planet that would be truly attractive and habitable, but one that has life” 

24 July 2006

Interview with Webster Cash on Colorado Public Radio (KCFR)

Direct link to audio file

"Webster Cash speaks with Ryan Warner about using existing technology to look for Earth-like planets that could be circling nearby stars. Cash outlines the design for what he calls a "star shade," designed to block out the light that prevents us from seeing distant planets."

6 July 2006

The Lab: News in Science

Star shield to help find exoplanets

6 July 2006

Nature 442, 51-53

Detection of Earth-like planets around nearby stars using a petal-shaped occulter
(subscription needed)

5 July 2006


Space shield could help image Earth-like planets, says study

5 July 2006

BBC News

Sunshade to look for distant life

5 July 2006

Universe Today

Sky Shade Could Reveal Planets

5 July 2006

Physics World

Giant "starshade" could reveal new exoplanets

15 March 2006

New Scientist

Star shade will let alien planets shine


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